lady brunette

This is Nittaya's Blog. So for anyone of you that do not know who I am. I'm Thai and I'm 20 years old. There won't be that many writing, but there will be a lot of pictures and such for ya'll to see.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Homecoming Queen!!!

Hi everyone,
I only have like 10 days of school left. I am so excited and so happy, because I am going back to Thailand in July. It's been a great experience in Canada and I hope to come back to Canada once more. God has been so good to me! There is no wods to describe His goodness. He has brought me here to learn and figure out about the things that I'm passion about. And He has done a fabulous work in my life. When I was still in Thailand, I hate going to Church and do christianese stuff because I think that it was a waste of time. But when I came to Canada three years ago, He changed my thinking and my belief about His kingdom. I am so thrill about going back to Thailand to do God's works and to bring people back to God. I have wasted a lot of times in my life with some nonsense things, but now I will use the times that I have to give glory to God. Canada has been a training ground for me and I have learned a whole bunch from going to The Gate, a chuch downtown Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. I love going to The Gate, not because they have good music but because of what God is doing there and because of the people there who loves God with all their hearts. I am thankful to have such a great and loving parents, Al and Terry. Without them I wouldn't be here writing this to you all. They are a great mom and dad, eventhough they are not my real parents but I love them with all my heart and I consider them my real parents. Since I only have like a month left in Canada, I want to do a whole lot of things, but I don't know if I could because I don't have the transportation. At the end of June, me and my friends are going camping somewhere. I think that it would be fun. I will miss them a lot. I hope that God is doing great things in your guys' lives.


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